Ezequiel Corquidi
Executive Coach
International Coach Federation, ACC
Ezequiel is an Executive Coach certified in the International Coach Federation. Esequiel has a long corporate career. He has worked as Operating Director at Lago and Tierra Campestre School for 22 years, as Director of the Eishel, a senior citizens residence for 4 years, as Area Director at the Sports Center for 5 years and as Operating Director and Administrating Director of at Cinepop, a Public Relations Company, for 10 years.
In his 40 years of working life, he has been able to understand the human relationships at work from different perspectives. Being part of corporate life he can easily identify people´s needs, concerns, challenges, potential and habits.
For the last 6 years Ezequiel has been an Executive Coach. His interest lies in helping leaders maximize their potential. He is also a Leadership Consultant and Trainer.
Ezequiel is distinguished by being a person focused on results and congruent with this principles and values. He believes that the attitude is fundamental for getting positive results at work. His motto is “your attitude determines your altitude”. Ezequiel believes in the organizational culture as the compass that guides the goals of individuals and teams.
Experience in Coaching:
Directors Entrepreneurs
Middle & Senior Management
Areas of Expertise:
Executive Coaching, Organizational Coaching, Process Coaching, Team Building, Coaching Assisted by Horses, Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Skills, Instructor and Guide in Extreme Adventures. He can also interpret a great number of assessments.